Safety Concern Report

Please use this form to notify the American River Girls Softball Board of Directors of any safety incidents occurring at any league event. 

If the incident is criminal in nature, please complete this form and immediately notify the appropriate Law Enforcement Agency (Sacramento Country Sheriff).

Coaches and Volunteers: You are aware given your SafeSport Training that you are MANDATED REPORTERS. Please use this form to notify the Board of any incident and if the incident warrants a MANDATORY REPORT, please immediately complete the required process with Sacramento County Child Protective Services. The completion of this form does not meet the requirement for a report to the County in the event of suspected harm to a child.

Reports made using this form will be kept confidential and the identity of reporting party will be protected.

Name or Reporting Individual
Please provide your first and last name
Date of the Incident
Open the calendar popup.
Please provide the date on which the incident occurred
Location of the Incident
Please describe where the incident occurred
Age Division of Players/Coaches/Umpires Involved
select Header Cell #1
Describe the Incident
Please use as much detail as possible, including names of individuals, exact words, and other witnesses as you are able.
Your Phone Number
Please provide us a way to reach you should we need additional information
Your Email Address

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